about hiwp.

hiwp was built based on a personal experience. an experience where mental health struggles were showing themselves through physical symptoms. an experience where physical ailments were taking a toll on the mental and spiritual well-being. an experience where the main coping mechanism was to get answers. an experience where mental strategies & spiritual reliance became the backbone of getting back to health.

the hiwp journal was born to house notes on our mental, physical, and spiritual health, all in one place. the hiwp journal was born to provide guidance for our reflections, attentions and intentions. the hiwp journal was born to take a big endeavour, and make it accomplishable in just five minutes a day. the hiwp journal was born to meet you where you are every single day.

fuel & water

these sections are open-ended. they allow you to track your food & water intake to whatever degree of detail that you choose. the template encourages a minimum of 2L of water a day. there is also space for tracking supplements.

wins & intentions

this section prompts reflection on three wins for your day. the journal includes suggestions for these wins for the days when this feels tough to do. the section also encourages you to identify something you are proud of and set an intention for the next day.


a list of moods is provided to help you in naming your overarching mood for the day. the template also prompts you to reflect on the different happenings of the day that may have led to your mood.